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Crossy Roads Data Gathering

Foto del escritor: Rafaella VelasquezRafaella Velasquez

Observation Goal & Framework

Who: Elderly and physically impaired individuals

Where: Crosswalks in Seoul

What: Observe our target groups crossing in seoul crosswalks


  • Observe if target groups are able to cross within the pedestrian time signal

  • Observe the walking pace of target groups (Rushed or Relaxed)

  • Observe if they use any mobility aid, and how do they use them

Purpose of Interview

The purpose of our interview is to understand the challenges and difficulties that people with disabilities face when crossing the road, and how we can design a wearable IoT device to help address those challenges. Our interview questions are formed from our desire to understand the struggles faced by elderly and physically impaired individuals while crossing the road, as well as understand their fear levels when it comes to cross roads.

Sampling Strategy

Elderly (above 65 years old) with reduced mobility

Individuals with temporary or permanent reduced mobility (short term/long term injury/physical impairment)

All participants should be living in South Korea and have experience crossing seoul crosswalks with reduced mobility.

Interview Questions

  • Can you tell me about your experiences with crossing the road? Have you ever encountered any difficulties or challenges while crossing the road?

  • How often do you find yourself in situations where you have difficulty crossing the road safely? Can you give me an example of such a situation?

  • Have you ever needed more time to cross the road safely but found that the pedestrian signal time was not long enough? If so, can you describe the situation and how you coped with it?

  • How do you usually determine the time remaining on the pedestrian signal timer? Do you rely on visual cues, such as the countdown timer or flashing lights, or do you use other methods?

  • On a scale of 1-10, how afraid do you feel when you realize that you may not have enough time to cross the road safely? Can you describe what makes you feel afraid or anxious in those situations?

  • Do you currently use any assistive technology to help you cross the road safely? If so, can you describe how it works and whether it has been effective for you?

  • When it comes to crossing the road safely, there are different technologies available to help. One is a camera that senses when you are crossing and automatically extends the time if needed, and the other is a wearable remote-controlled device that allows you to manually extend the time with the press of a button. If you had to choose between the two, which one would you prefer to use and why? Would you rely on this technology to cross the road safely

First Impression Feedback on Product Concept

Our wearable IoT device aims to help elderly and the physically impaired cross the road safely. The wearable IoT device is equipped with a user control time extension feature that allows users to extend the pedestrian traffic signal time by 5 or 10 seconds when they require additional time to cross the road safely. The manual extension feature is accessible via a button that will occupy the entire device interface for easier access so that users can easily press when they need more time to cross the road.

  • How do you feel about the idea of a wearable IoT device that can help you extend the pedestrian signal time when you need more time to cross the road safely?

  • Do you have any concerns about using a wearable IoT device for this purpose? Are there any features that you would like to see included to make it more accessible or user-friendly for you?

  • How important do you think it is for pedestrian signals to be accessible and accommodating for elderly and physically impaired individuals? What improvements do you think could be made to make crossing the road safer and more manageable for you?


Our current observation data is not really consistent in a sense that each of us had different focus when carrying out the observations. There was no proper framework or goals established prior to carrying out the observations.

Due to the nature of our target user groups, interviewees were not really comfortable with video recording, hence, we decided to only receive consent for voice recordings and their identity will be kept anonymous. There was also a time constraint issue where we had to go through official channels to recruit students associated with Yonsei’s Able Centre, hence, we needed more time to set a date for the interview.

Next Steps

  • We will try to do 2 more interviews and collect more proper observation data based on the framework we have created.

  • Transcribe the interviews

  • Code the interview data

  • Collate and categorise the observation data

  • Create affinity diagram to summarise findings from interviews and Observations

  • Set up individual techbox



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